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Saturday, April 19, 2008


Small-town crackers are so stupid that they need elitist pundits to convince them that Barack Obama condescended to them.


  1. Maybe not. Last night Bill Maher had a short piece by Jeremy Scahill (a real reporter) touring the alabama portion of the PA sandwich, talking to those crackers and rednecks and rebel flag-wearing bikers (and bike dealers) about the election. They knew very clearly that BushCo had hosed them, disliked Hillary for many reasons, some right, some wrong, and generally supported Obama. They sense correctly that something completely different is necessary and he is it. So for all the vocalizing about how 'they' feel by PA bluecollar expert Chris Matthews, et al, what came out was that he doesn't know shit from shine-ola.

  2. I agree, at least in theory. I was trying to convey irony but evidently served it up too dry. My idea was that it's repulsive to hear these guys, who amount to state media propagandists, carefully explain to the audience what regular people think.

    As I said earlier, I think this year we'll find out for once and for all whether it is possible to underestimate the intelligence of the American public. Because that is the penultimate tactic in the Republican death struggle to remain in control. The final tactic, of course, is an overt coup.
