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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Final-debate snipes [updated]

John McCain thinks autism is the same thing as Down syndrome. He thinks his running mate has an autistic baby.

John McCain said "We need to change the culture of America." In that respect, he has more in common with Osama than with Obama.

John McCain said several times that Barack Obama is "eloquent." I guess that's even worse than being "elitist."

Barack Obama joined in the fun tonight by talking with McCain's imaginary friend, Joe The Plumber. He missed a chance to pick up some stray Hillary voters by failing to invoke Josephine The Plumber, however.

Update: ZOMGZ! Joe The Plumber is actually real! Well, by those same standards, then so is Josephine. Except that I have no reason to think Josephine, in real life, was a stupid jackass.


  1. by tomorrow someone will post Joe's tax returns and we'll know he's got more in common with Cindy the beer delivery chick than those 95% of citizens Obama was addressing.

  2. oil can: your handle fills me with anxiety, as Mighty Mouse's nemesis scared the crap out of me when I was about 3. I have not developed any coping mechanisms since that time, by the way.

    Excellent observation: let the oppo research on Joe The Plumber begin! I'm starting right away in a new post!
