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Friday, March 6, 2009

Wise sayings

This edition of wise sayings is provided courtesy of Jean N., girl reporter. Take it away, Jean:

Too much sympathy makes everyone weaker.


  1. Or is that less than sincere sympathy?

    Also, submitted for your consideration:
    And they have a magazine.


  2. No, LuMac: insincere sympathy is *good* for us because it helps us to train our built-in bullshit detectors. Viva la bullshit detection. Meanwhile, work makes us free.

    Thanks for the tip. I do listen to "Java" on WEFT Friday nights when near a radio. It's an interesting concept he has there, but the host chews up the radioland scenery with his tediously arch presentation. (He should call it "Jiveass Bachelor Pad.) Also, the pinups he reprints are, in my opinion, substandard in terms of quality and taste. I'll try to remember this topic, however, as I diversify beyond Machiavellian subject matter --- I consider "Java" to be an interesting failure that is worth listening to anyway, especially given the media entertainment alternatives.

  3. I like this wise saying. I think the most important part, though, is "too much". My first reaction was to think to myself, "you know, this is a good point...fuck sympathy", but that's dumb.

    My verification word today is "uncod" I like thinking about what that could mean.

  4. Yes, brh, you win the Fifty50 Recognition Award For Interpretive Prowess!
