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Friday, October 9, 2009

It's a curse!

If Obama were listening to me, he would go on TV this morning and decline the Nobel Peace Prize. If he accepts it, his wingnut enemies will say it confirms that he's soft on national security. Many of the rest of us will certainly think it's ridiculous that the Peace Prize would be awarded to someone who is currently directing covert military attacks on Pakistan (not to mention those other two places). Obama must know that, too.

Furthermore, the Nobel announcement included a rejoinder that the prize carries with it great responsibility. Every time Obama opts for peace or diplomacy in the future, wingnuts will say he's more concerned about his prize and his legacy than with America. They'll say it confirms how "narcissistic" he is.

Nope, he needs to reject the prize and say that he would be deeply honored to be considered for it after he as accomplished his goals. Since he's a pretty smart dude, and Axelrod is too, I say there's a significant possibility that the President will take StuporMundi's advice this time.


  1. Shouldn't the title of this post be, "It's a Trap!"?

  2. BRH: yes, that was the original title. I changed it when I realized that you guys might get all excited about the free publicity and then be disappointed by the content of the post....

  3. Q: where to 100% donate the prize. How about 50/50 Red Cross and Red Crescent....which I see has a joint intl. organization, oh well. Or, howabouts American Red Cross and, say, Palestinian Red Crescent. Symbolic-ism-ness levened with hope-osity. Could even add some rhetoric on the COMMON challenge of natural disasters within the Global Community (or "Village", as you will). Might help advance agendas, deepen/extend dialog, etc. Or, could go toward back U.S. dues to the UN. Of course there's always the Millard Filmore Society.

    Morris Cody Filmore, IV

  4. interesting advice, to decline the award. Same as that offered by James Howard Kunstler (a Dem.) and numerous Republicans as well, including NY Times columnist Ross Douchebag, this morning.

    For one very good reason he deserves this, and ought to be proud of it, see Norman Lear's piece on HuffPo. Besides, by the time Obama's 2nd term winds to a close he can be contemplating winning his second Nobel Peace Prize (for surviving longer than his fellow winners Anwar Sadat and, later, Israeli president Rabin).

  5. MCF IV: personally, I'd avoid the Red Cross. I used to contribute annually until management became a parasitic money siphon; overheads are too high now, and I seem to remember some sort of attendant scandal. Instead, I'd advise him to send out a lot of email revealing that he's a Kenyan prince who needs to park a gigantic fortune someplace safe, and wants you to send him *your* bank account and routing number so he can deposit some of it with you.

    Big Hussein Otis: doesn't matter what others say, I'm sticking by my guns. I was offering the suggestion purely as a deflectionary tactic. The others are making the suggestion to impugn Obama in various ways, as if it was his "fault" that he won an award they decided he doesn't deserve. Will follow up in another post.
