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Friday, September 12, 2014

Optional paranoia


Sometimes I like to let my mind meditate on topics such as this.

I don't watch graphic horror movies, or other exploitatively violent commercial productions, or viral web videos. Instead, I indulge in meditations on topics like these to satisfy my (subconscious) impulse to terrify myself. It seems that most (web-conneceted) humans have a similar impulse, considering how familiar the internet and old-media operations seem to be with videos of overseas beheadings and various kinds of domestic executions.

Obviously, the link (no better or worse than 50/50) is probably published mainly to give its author the same kind of paranoiac gratification I referred to above. And, I'd ask if this fellow really "knows more" than the multitude of other Virginia-based psychos who are cashing in on their (rapidly aging) mastery of "how things work."

But let your mind experiment. What if the "hypothesis" explored by the article really did give a direct glimpse into federal governance? Suspend disbelief and consider what else would be implied by that reality? How would it change your worldview?


  1. what happens if you suddenly, mysteriously disappear? Will Louis Freeh be behind it, or the Virginia-based author of the article linked to (Baker), or an old, pissed off Paul Revere and the Raiders fan?

  2. the kind of federal governance implied has been around long before we were kids barnstorming record stores. It's just gotten very very sloppy. The disconnect is phenomenal.

    I see you haven't been writing as much. I kind of miss the midwest connection.

