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Thursday, November 6, 2008

Writed a letter

I wrote this one to the only Senator I have left for the moment, Dick Durbin. Let's join me now as I express my opinion to him on an issue of the day:

Senator Durbin,

This evening I am writing to you in your capacity as a member of the Senate Democratic Steering and Outreach Committee. It is my understanding that Senator Lieberman may petition the Committee for the privilege of retaining his chairmanship of the Senate Homeland Security Committee. If he does, I urge you to do everything in your power as a committee member to reject Senator Lieberman's request.

I believe that President Elect Obama's ability to provide leadership in the area of national security will be encumbered or undermined if Senator Lieberman is permitted to retain his committee chairmanship. My conclusion seems self-evident as Mr. Lieberman has actively worked with the Bush/Cheney administration and the McCain campaign to thwart the will of most U.S. citizens as well as your party on critical security and constitutional issues within the purview of his committee.

Again, I urge you to do everything you can to remove Mr. Lieberman from this important committee chairmanship and act to replace him with a Senator whose views and objectives complement and harmonize with Mr. Obama's.

Thank you.

You weigh in on this issue with your own voice, if you like, or sign the electronic petition available here. Personally, I don't care for web petitions, so I rolled my own for Senator Durbin to put in his pipe and smoke, if he likes. Notice the fancy way I expressed my concern to my Senator in terms of national security rather than pure "partisan bickering." Watch and learn, my impressionable disciples.

I know that if Lieberman defects to the GOP when stripped of his Democratic chairmanship, the Democrats will be one vote further away from a filibuster-proof majority. Too bad: he can't be trusted so he has to go. Furthermore, he has to be punished as an example to any Blue Dogs who may want to push back against the better intentions of President Obama. Democrats quickly need to relearn the homespun skills of arm-twisting and/or persuasion --- Tip O'Neill style, maybe --- for use on so-called "moderate" Republicans to break filibusters on Obama's SCOTUS nominations (for one example). True, there really are no "moderate" Republicans --- only ones who pretend to be moderate for the consumption of their home constituencies. But I'm betting those phony creatures might wise up a bit now as Bush heads for his Poppy's basement in Kennebunkport, Cheney heads for Arkham Asylum, McCain heads for well earned oblivion, and Palin heads for the political equivalent of a shallow grave. Lieberman can launch a U.S. Likkud Party for all I care.


  1. yes, he would seem to be Senator Joe-Shit-out-of-luck now. Not only can't Democrats trust him, Republicans won't either. Good riddance.

    There will be several Governors I guess) filling some dem senate seats-- Obama and Biden for 2, and probably Kennedy's pretty soon, plus any that might go soon into the Supreme Court or administration. I hope all go to people who strongly identify with Obama and his MO (no Harold Fords PLEASE). And while they're at these musical chairs, it might not be so bad to get a stronger majority leader-- unless the hairy reed grows some balls soon.

  2. BO: Emanuel's job is to keep Obama's calendar and to grant or refuse access. Powerful? Yes. But since Obama is a con law prof, I wouldn't be surprised if he sets up his administration with a balance of powers. Or, more likely, he may organize it like a Pakistani madrassa.
