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Friday, May 28, 2010

Friday Evening Prayer Meeting

I mowed the back yard tonight for the first time in several weeks. I'd purposely allowed the grass to go to seed, which I find helps to crowd out weeds somewhat effectively.

While plowing over a patch of no particular distinction, my peripheral vision rapidly picked up a teeming movement. Turning for a direct look, I was horrified to see what appeared to be an endless stream of scrawny infant mammals trying to erupt from the turf. These creatures---"bunnies," I presume---appeared as an apparition both revolting and pitiable at once. I immediately killed the mower and went to inspect for casualties. While pleased to find none, the sight of these animals trying to boil out of the earth, without much success, struck me with queasiness. What had I done? Stripped away their shelter, brutally but unintentionally like some reckless minor god who drinks too much.

I ran back into the house to grab my Sony F717 in order to bear witness to this cunicularic cataclysm I had caused. Yep, there they were, still roiling in dumbfounded terror (I presume), not knowing whether to run toward the light or away from it. Due to its weak sensor and lens focal length, the Sony was not the ideal camera to use in this low-light situation, and I didn't feel I had time to optimize the exposure, camera support, etc. The pictures aren't great, but this one best captures the nature and range of motion of these hapless creatures. Click through it for a larger view.

Now, if you are an animal lover and believe that it is appropriate to petition the ALL-ONE with prayer, then please feel free to use this Friday Evening Prayer Meeting to invoke protection for these infant rabbits. Myself, I will try to bear witness to the circle of life because I fear there is a high probability that any of the various neighborhood predators (excluding Rudy, who prefers starchy food) will attempt to devour these succulent, downy creatures before the sun rises over the alley. It was ever thus.

Fun fact: did you know rabbits are "hindgut digesters"?


  1. Really. Cunicularic??? That puts you right on top of the Google list.

    These are toward the large end of the spectra of wildlife decimated by "lawns". But probably some happy neighborhood cats in Mr. Crutch's neighborhood this morning.

  2. We had a similar experience with a rototiller and our baby bunnies weren't as fortunate.

    Another time we were watering a strawberry bed and suddenly the earth began to roil and undulate. Very creepy until we figured it out.

    Now we have finally adequately fenced our yard to keep the ornery critters out. I hate rabbits.

  3. I say, "Off with their heads!!" You're a softy RubberHose....!

  4. hahaha--- "a softy rubberhose"

  5. Oil Can: yes, cunicularic --- an original coinage based on a real Latinate one; don't know why I'm the only one who uses it.

    Gurlitzer: if you hate rabbits then you'll love the flies that were buzzing around the hole this afternoon.

    Suzita: heads appear to still attached but evidently not conveying anything.

    Anon: they leave fewer welts that way.
