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Sunday, May 9, 2010

Wise sayings

Golf balls. Fucking golf balls!


  1. I agree BP have not covered themselves with glory (more like oil). But you Yanks can't get away Scot free. It's your rush to gush that's got you here.

    And your reliance on oil not your reliance on Middle Eastern oil that's the problem.

    Also if it works even if it's mad use it.

  2. that sounds less ominous than the suggestion from Russia, to detonate a nuke down inside the well.

    What if this well tapped the mother vein and all the oil in the world is connected to it and leaks out and that's the end of it? And the slick slides all around Florida and traps Rush Limbaugh and he falls in and becomes a tar baby?

  3. Barry: without absolving every other oil guzzling nation on earth, which are doing so in order to emulate America's idiotic shopping-addicted lifestyle, I agree with you. The day I knew I despised Ronald Reagan is when I heard he had completely torn out the solar energy improvements made by President Carter with the U.S. barely upticking from a recession caused by (guess what) a Mideast oil shock. In fact, I think we were probably still in the depths of the recession.

    Anon: I just read today that Russia has supposedly used underground nukes as tools for all kinds of big jobs like dealing with subterranean ecological problems. We should try your theory with Limbaugh and see if he serves as a nucleation site for 6 zillion gallons of crude.


    25,000 BARRELS (perhaps revised from the video)

    One could suppose that the size of the number is dependent upon the source's intent to maximize or minimize the media "impact" and/or what's perceived as objective journalism (lawsuits not withstanding).

    Red Faust Adair

  5. what the??? no prayers to fry? no fish to meet?

  6. RFA: NPR has experts who say the rate could be as high as 70,000 barrels. I intend to update sometime soon with the Simple Country Editing (TM) perspective you've come to not wish to do without for too long of an interval.

    Oil Can: the night is still young. But I still tend to doubt it....
