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Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Obama's "hypercompetitive bantam rooster"

Dan Froomkin, who formerly authored a very popular liberal political blog for the Washington Post before being fired for... authoring a very popular liberal political blog... published a piece today at HuffingtonPost that considers the contributions of Rahm Emanuel to Obama's "success" as a political leader so far. As the President's Chief of Staff, Emanuel has more access to Obama than any other person in the administration. Of the President's "hypercompetitive bantam rooster" Froomkin says
He is a Bush Democrat in that he has allowed Republicans to traumatize him into submission. Emanuel operates on a battlefield as defined by Republicans, where the terrain is littered with the specter of imaginary but profoundly terrifying GOP attack ads. His reflexive approach is the strategic retreat.
You can see Rahm's pernicious influence again everywhere: in the White House's failure of leadership (until last week) on healthcare reform, or its fetish with "bipartisanship," or any other failure by Obama to even look like he is trying to act on behalf of the people who elected him.

Cenk Uyger, also at HuffingtonPost, has an interesting hypothesis about Rahm's future that is supported by the flurry of hagiography Froomkin refers to in his article. I do hope that Cenk right.


  1. Wasn't Emanuel searching for the holy grail with Monte Python? You know, Sir Rahmbin. run away, run away

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. Oil Can: I don't know my Monty Python as well as I should, but I do know that Rahm is known by many names like his Uncle Mephistophiles. You know, such as Hypercompetitive Bantam Rooster, Face-Lifted Whistledick, Foulmouthed Son of an Outhouse Maggot. (I got that last one from a book on torture that they used to sell at grade school book fairs circa 1965).

    Other Poster What I Deleted: Sorry, but your name was being used as a spam avatar for some outfit selling cryogenic refrigerators so I had to toast your post. Nothing but Post Toasties for you!
