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Friday, August 12, 2011

Lemme ask you this:

What the fuck am I supposed to do with six cucumbers?!?


  1. make pickles

  2. Chef: no, really---what the fuck am I supposed to do with six giant cucumbers?

  3. Make leomonade (metaphorically speaking presumably).

    Or, with sufficient ion content and a high voltage DC source there's a good chance for a cucumber light. With a properly biased and grounded counter electrode it could also be a bug zapper.

    Mssr. M. Watt

  4. Cucumber soup! There are many recipes out there, just waiting to be Googled. Emeril's seems to be popular.

    WV: chopir - what you will need to prepare cucumber soup, hahaha

  5. target practice

  6. Mr. Watt: closer, but I need schematics. I'm an editor, Jim, not a "maker."

    Gurlitzer: good idea---I'll check it out since I expect to be receiving a truckload of cukes from well-meaning neighbors and friends in the coming weeks. Maybe Deepak Chopir has a recipe up on his site.

    OCH: possibly, but I'd prefer to use them for what they were intended by my benefactors.
