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Saturday, June 9, 2012

Voodoo economics

In a dream last week I was granted an important revelation:

We now have more empirical evidence for the existence of real-world zombies than we do for the validity of supply-side economics.
First came Miami: the case of a naked man eating most of another man's face. Then Texas: a mother accused of killing her newborn, eating part of his brain and biting off three of his toes. Then Maryland, a college student telling police he killed a man, then ate his heart and part of his brain.
It was different in New Jersey, where a man stabbed himself 50 times and threw bits of his own intestines at police. They pepper-sprayed him, but he was not easily subdued.

Update: post title changed to the obvious, which I started to do several times during composition but forgot.


  1. i think what you actually have here is proof that repeated suggestions of impossible occurances from media to an ignorant public will ultimately induce the weakest links of that public to act as if these fantasies were real.

    And the second problem they cause is getting people to dream about them...

  2. It seems as if you are thinking too much about the concept. Please disable your humorlessness.exe subroutine and try again.

  3. P.S. Possible outside Greek curve balls.

    1. Greece exits the euro, BUT adopts the U.S. dollar. Cuba does it, China does it...

    2. Turkey makes a very large, sweeping deal with Greece (then Spain, and possibly the other weaker members). In exchange for a "backstop" like no other, perhaps with Saudi Arabia participation, the Euro Zone would become a Bi-Euro Zone. In effect Turkey would be "in" in a big way and butting heads with Germany.

    I'd put the chances at about 1%, but if so you read it here first.

    J. Andante

  4. Both interesting. Item 1 seems more probable than item 2. Last I knew, Turkey wanted into the EU, and it ain't gonna get there by butting heads with Deutschland, and Saudi encroachment seems like a big no-go considering all the xenophobia on the continent.
