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Wednesday, September 5, 2012

Enough of the "Big Dog" crap already!

I wish another member of the Bush-Cheney administration would get explosive diarrhea for each time I see a variation on this particular idea:
Move over little dog, the big dog's moving in.
I'm truly and eternally mystified why every card-carrying liberal seems to worship Hillary Clinton's peckerwood husband, who signed a law to end the Glass-Steagal Act for banking system integrity; signed the homophobic Defense of Marriage Act; established the humiliating Don't Ask/Don't Tell military personnel policy; beat up on poverty-stricken Americans by adopting a Republican plan to add to the misery of public aid recipients; signed the authoritarian Digital Millennium Copyright Act and Sonny Bono Copyright Act, and pranced around as one of the nation's biggest cheerleaders for a tidal wave of economic globalization initiatives that give us (and citizens of all other nations) much less leeway to run our own affairs, delegating sovereignty upwards to trans-national corporations.

Bill Clinton "beat" the Republicans simply by adopting much of their program and tongue-washing it in expertly-delivered feel-your-pain rhetoric that might either have issued from the mouth of a man with a conscience or a man without one. This is the real reason why he drove Republicans crazy: he was in a position to make them obsolete. They simply had to neutralize him, if not destroy him. And Clinton obligingly gave them a prong they could hang an impeachment trial on.

Too, I'd be surprised if there aren't many liberal Democratic women who are, secretly, at least a little uneasy about all this Big-Dog adulation, considering that the one accomplishment Clinton will always be remembered for is seducing a White House intern into a grossly uneven power relationship that involved having his lumpy pecker (possibly the veteran of a dozen chancres). At very least, it seems that the Big Dog may not have much more respect for women and their feelings than any off-the-shelf rock star.

Can anyone point to a single constructive, progressive piece of legislation promoted and signed into law by Hillary Clinton's peckerwood husband that every made anyone's life better outside of a corporate shareholder's meeting or a beltway political consultancy? Truly, I can't think of a single Bill Clinton accomplishment that matters today in any positive way.


  1. big dog crap! hardee har har.

    Your comments about what he DID are all correct. But Big Dog Crap has never-the-less captured the soul of the Dem party pretty much like St. Reagan has the Rep. Doesn't matter if he's another wizard of oz phony or not-- it's what he's perceived to be and just as the ghost of St. Reagan has driven GOP all the way over the ledge these past 30 years, so shall BDC drive the Dems for the foreseeable future.

  2. All I care about is what he did, not his ability to make liberals and "moderates" hear what they want to hear. What if Joe Lieberman got a facelift and a voice coach and could distract the Democrats from his sleazy, neoliberal corporatist agenda with stirring oratory and pretend empathy, perhaps with a large bulge in his underpants and a cool hobby like skateboarding? What's the difference? The Democrats should be paying more attention to what Elizabeth Warren has to say and much, much less what Hillary Clinton's peckerwood husband's speechwriters tell "Bubba" what to say.
