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Saturday, June 13, 2009

More Fox Effect

As seen first on TPM: the Executive Director of Minutemen American Defense (MAD*), Shawna Forde, and two others arrested on charges related to a double homicide in Arizona. Two members of a family with a Hispanic surname were reported to have been murdered in a 30 May home invasion 10 miles north of the border. Authorities suspect premeditated murder as part of a scheme by "thieves looking for drugs and money," according to the report. The Post-Intelligencer referred to the alleged home invasion ringleader as an "anti-immigration activist." That's some nice post-intelligence newswriting, I'd say. Here is an undated and unedited statement by Ms. Forde, copied and pasted directly from the MAD web page (go find it yourself, I'm not linking to it):
I would like to let everyone know that we are in full operation we have people coming from Florida and other parts of the country to assist in gathering exclusive footage of drug cartel drug smuggling and humane trafficking.
* No shit!

1 comment:

  1. The Minutemen - Who are the Minutemen ??? -- What the Minutemen do -- If it barks like a dog and wags the tail like a dog then .......

    The Minutemen are a Paramilitary Organization with lots of Jeeps, Humvees, Special Desert Vehicles, Weapons, Camouflage and lots and lots of Weapons, even assault weapons, or sniper rifles with telescopic sights, night vision binoculars, Global Position Systems GPS, Water tanks, munnitions and lots of Military Paraphernalia.

    They act as a police, aiming guns at people with threats of shooting, they make arrests, they take prisoners. They act as police or as a normal army.

    To assume that this has no political value or that it does not pose a political pressure is sheer ignorance of History and naivete.

    This should be called what it ir really is : a PARAMILITARY organization, and as such it has a political value. If it barks like a dog and wags the tail like a dog then it is a dog.

    So what happened, that they are commiting crimes and murders should not surprise us. This is probably not new.

    And that they killed a beautiful nine year old girl only indicates the level of HATE that this organization teaches.

    The Ku Klux Klan and the Nazi Skinheads have also had training camps and lots of dangerous assault weapons. They have also always had PARAMILITARY overtones.

    And Hitler had his own personal army of Paramilitaries : The Brownshirts Stormtroopers.

    The Sturmabteilung SA (German: “Assault Division”)

    The SA protected Nazi Party meetings and assaulted political opponents. They were very useful in breaking the Windows of Jewish Business, harassing Jews, Humiliating Jews, kicking, beating and murdering Jews, Socialists and Communists, etc ..

    Vicente Duque
