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Friday, June 5, 2009

A sound piece of advice

This, a wise saying of sorts, offered by a hillbilly-sounding guy* to his female companion while shopping at Schnuck's: "There's no more bein' any kinda way ya don't wanna be."

I liked it because it reminded me of Howard Beale's signature line, "I'm as mad as Hell, and I'm not going to take this anymore!" But instead of hearing some nobody utter a futile, meaningless expression that may have felt cathartic for an instant, I intuitively understood the drawling gentleman at the supermarket to be declaring a radical Everyman's manifesto for setting a final boundary between his own individuality and every external force trying to snuff it out. It's a concept open to deliberate misinterpretation and abuse, like most ideas, but nevertheless sound, and even unassailable, in its esoteric meaning.

* This blog uses the term hillbilly to denote people who bear a surface resemblance to rednecks, but are primarily human beings. Please make a note of it.


  1. Aye, ye c'not be any other wot y're a goin' ta be.

    Snappy Patter Muldoon

  2. Anon: "That voice. Where have I heard that voice?"
