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Saturday, September 19, 2009

I, for one, know what could go wrong

Mark Frauenfelder on BoingBoing asks the eternal question:
What could be wrong with taking an insane killer to the country fair?
To me, this is a self-answering question: he would return to his secure, undisclosed location and continue planning the follow-up to his secure, undisclosed activities on 11 September 2001.

1 comment:

  1. "First degree" escape? Does that mean on the loose, vs 2nd degree and not quite escaped?

    Then again, this is America. Anything can and does happen! Perhaps he'll be elected VP and then go on to impose a Shadow Kingdom for the betterment of a delusional ideal that cannot be realized and will become a monster named Hubris that continually swallows itself.

    While I do NOT advocate such a course, a small dose of cosmic justice might well include forced confessions via water boarding.

    But realistically the Main Line (Lie?) will persist, pass into high school history books, and the collective, echoing, self-sense of Nationhood will go on but with an ongoing self delusional streak -- not unlike Mr. P.A. Paul writ large and semi-eternal.

    Rainbow Adaire, at large
