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Thursday, September 10, 2009

Now do it to "Blue Dogs"

This is a pretty amazing example of what small campaign contributions can do when a politician pisses off a lot of voters who care about something. Joe The Crakkker, of "you lie" fame, unintentionally enriched his 2010 Democratic challenger by well over a quarter-million dollars in less than 24 hours merely by exhibiting bad wingnut behavior during a joint session of Congress.

I don't know if $350,000 of instant funny money can help Rob Miller in South Carolina, the most socially primeval state in the union. But Blue Dog Copperheads like Steny Hoyer, Claire McCaskill, and the like should take notice. The quarter-million raised for Miller in 1 day by DailyKos readers might be more effectively applied to, say, funding a progressive primary opponent for McCaskill or Evan Bayh. After all, a Senate challenge by Joe Sestak in Pennsylvania is forcing Arlen Specter to talk out of the left side of his mouth, at least until after the election. And people like them in the Senate do much more damage to the public interest, week in and week out, than a nonentity like Joe Wilson ever will.

Evens of the past decade have made a small donor of me, and I do it with some regularity. Furthermore, I'm completely willing to follow the lead of a group I respect in order to target Copperhead Democrats in primaries. Imagine: instant campaign contribution "hit squads," just by taking aim at a select Democrat apostate and clicking the money button.

Editors note: StuporMundi does not approve of the term "cracker" being applied indiscriminately to just anyone from the southern precincts. It is hateful and unseemly.

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