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Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Games Joe McCarthy played

There are so many disgusting aspects of this story (more here) that I must struggle to avoid tangents. I'm sure most people have heard some incomplete version of it: a right-wing provocateur posted to his website a videotape that was deliberately edited to create a defamatory context for remarks made by a USDA appointee in a March 2010 speech she gave to a Georgia chapter of the NAACP. The deceptively edited video was rapidly propagated by FOX as "news," with all the dignity that usually accompanies baseless accusations of black racism by white racists. And then, before you could say "Tom Vilsack is a craven asshole," the minor official, Shirley Sherrod, was bullied out of her job by her chain of command. Only the impression given by the video, as I say, has been demonstrated to be false and defamatory.

Vilsack: way to create a possible tort for wrongful dismissal, dicknose. Washington Post: learn how to check facts, especially when your errors reflect poorly on the wrongly accused person... motherfuckers. NAACP: yes, you sure were "snookered," but I'll spare you an obscenity since you've sort of done penance and claim to have learned something from it... but your fuck-up shows how weak your organization really is these days. And Barack Hussein Obama? Waiting....


  1. 2 things need to come from this: first, Ms. Sherrod needs to be reinstated and apologized to, publicly. Second, she should file a massive defamation suit against Breitbart and Fox-- a very large, painful one to discourage this kind of slander.

    Oh, three things-- we still need Obama's statement, scolding and apology. Maybe he should add he'll fire any administration member who in the future acts on anything coming out of Fox. Or contributes anything to them.

  2. She probably would have gotten away with it had it not been for the fact that they could no longer sweep that Black Panther thing under the rug, and they didn't want to come off looking like racists.

    Where are the "Black Crusaders" on all of this?

  3. Anon-- "gotten away" with what?

  4. -my opologies for thinking like those at the white house. November should be fun.

  5. BO, Anon 1, Anom, Anon 2. I'm assuming that Vilsack has been up to his eyeballs in shit for the past 24 hours. For him, even beyond his poor judgment and disregard for due process to one individual, the man has displayed himself to his peers and the world as a lousy administrator. Anyone who hires him as an executive in the future is a fool. Maybe he can play out his career sitting on the board of The Ad Council or something.
