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Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Irony, presumably unintended

Herein please find a special educational supplement concerning proper use of the term "irony," intended for Big Rock Head specifically and the greater Fifty50 community generally, courtesy of the Iowa "Tea Party" via TPM. You see, BRH, the irony of the scene depicted below is that President Obama is in fact a moderate, centrist U.S. President while mainstream Republican Senate "leaders" such as John Kyl, Mitch McConnell, Judd Gregg, John Cornyn, and Tom Coburn are right-wing radicals who thrive on the bitterness of fearful, naive "Real Americans" who they trick into believing that the unemployed and chronically impoverished people just have it too darned easy in life while our wealthy elites need even more tax relief than George Bush gave them 9 years ago.

A casual reading of any impartial 20th century history text will reveal that both Hitler and Stalin derived unheard-of totalitarian powers in part by aligning corporate management and strategic objectives (and financial interests) with those of their respective party apparatus. The differences in tactics of Hitler and Stalin were essentially irrelevant considering the enormity of the results they achieved, such as continual wars of aggression and industrial-scale mass murder. Can any of my shorties out there in Fifty50Land think of any examples from our modern times that resemble the Nazi and Communist merger of corporate, political, and military interests to prey on the fearful and naive? Do tell.

Editor's note: the photo above is by Deb Nicklay and copyrighted by the Associated Press and the Globe Gazette ( in Iowa, U.S.A. Fair use is claimed for purposes of social commentary and community education. Thank you for your attention to this matter.


  1. tactics of Stalin and Hitler could be compared. But that pic is of Lenin. Just based on what those guys said (as opposed to what they actually did) Lenin doesn't fit in at all. We got some cretins hard at work in this here part of Ioway.

    How long do we have to think about this bilge before there is some way of get it to drain away before we have to even see it? It doesn't make any sense. Why doesn't the universal bung hole expel it like it does nonsense from all other sources? Make it go away RC.

  2. Hitler: 20,000,000+ (non-soldiers) dead

    Stalin: 60,000,000+ (non-soldiers) dead

    Tell me again about the practical aspects of that workers paradise?

    While Obama is probably into the plus column for decreasing infant mortality, school lunches, etc.

    And in the resounding silence category (i.e., listen for what is NOT being said or talked about, and/or is being distracted from such as this billboard): our fearless elected leaders have managed to conspire to make this year, 2010, a year in which NO/NADA/ZIPPO/BUPKISS federal inheritance tax is owed. Not that I expect billionaires to start dropping like flies (Steinbrenner excepted) but if there's a way to be declared clinically dead and come back I'm sure many are looking at it and the associated legal defense strategy. Cheney for one comes to mind as a crafty master of maneuver (currently debating a heart transplant...that's it! whilest on the heart/lung machine...the bastard). Has there ever been an avenging bolt of lightening a la karmic intervention?

    One of the Greek tragedy writers had a bald pate and was killed by an eagle's well aimed turtle. The strategy normally is to bust Yurtle open on the rocks. Death by irony for a practitioner.

    Mr. Divide by Zero

    PS Without sponges would the ocean be higher?

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Aesthete: I'll cop to some cretinism as well for not noticing the switcheroo. I'm afraid that the universal bunghole *is* expelling the nonsense just like it does everything else --- right into the public commons.

    MDbZ: Let's be fair: have you ever heard anyone extolling the virtues of the Soviet Union or its aftermath? I haven't, other than maybe some pseudo-radical clown provocateurs in 1969 or so. And anyway, we'd if we addressed that point we'd also have to ask the same question of all the crypto-Nazis that earn salaries in the back rooms of places like the AEI, Heritage, and Dick Cheney's left ventricle. And speaking of that, I wouldn't think Cheney would leave his transplant to chance. He's probably got a good dozen matches around the globe, each just going about his business until he gets that visit from the friendly CIA doctor when the time comes.

    59er: I'd meant to reply to your point (and everyone's, sooner than today). I don't think that fierce political *debate* is bad except when it's pointless. And the debate we see televised is pointless because the news media don't do their "Fourth Estate" job any more (honest broker of public facts) and the pundit aristocracy mostly works for about five monstrous global communications corporations. The debate can only have a point if its fueled by facts and mediated by logic. The well is continuously poisoned, each and every day, thwarting our understanding of issues and our ability to discuss them in an informed way. The culprits are, in my opinion, pretty obvious.
