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Saturday, September 11, 2010

Saturday Night Fish Fry

Being a bit lazy here, , for expediency --- going back to my favorite iteration of Blood, Sweat & Tears, masterminded by Al Kooper with very nice, bluesy white-boy vocals and a little psychedelic guitar around the edges. I dedicate it to my old friend, the daughter of a preacher man, who digs horn bands from the late '60s and who was evidently moved by her own political passions to utter the word "fuck" on this very blog a few days ago. Shame on you! Haha!

I Can't Quit Her, Blood, Sweat & Tears (1968, from "Child Is Father To The Man," Columbia CS 9619), via YouTube, embedded for noncommercial critical discussion and educational purposes.


  1. And here I thought "fuck" was almost de rigeur for this blog.

    So thanks, RC. Another good tune. You motivated me to go to the basement for the BS&T album, and I came back with Bloomfield, Kooper, Stills Super Session also. Dusting off the turntable now...

  2. Gurlitzer: Super Session was a big hit with The Tuna but I was sorta ambivalent about it; need to listen again. And yes, "fuck" is certainly part of the lexicon here at Fifty50... even for girls!
