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Sunday, September 12, 2010

September 11, 2010 [updated]

Most commemoration of the violent "Muslim" attacks on New York City and elsewhere, which occurred on the subject date 9 years ago, just leaves me wondering. Ccreeped out and revolted, too.

Most TYPICAL AMERICANS are expected, from what I can tell, to believe that this EVIL MUSLIM  force majeure from the skies "essentially free[d] both parties from liability or obligation [because it was an] extraordinary event or circumstance beyond the control of the parties... [that] prevent[ed] one or both parties from fulfilling their obligations under the contract." That is, THE CONTRACT.

And furthermore, in order to visibly document one's strong approval of how one or both of those parties did perform, even though they didn't, TYPICAL AMERICANS are expected, from what I can tell, to publicly express strong, heartfelt patriotic opinions about American righteousness in the face of those attacks. And in order to meet the approval of TRUE PATRIOTS, though, everyone instinctively knows it is best to pretend, fetishistically, that we are very sad, or very angry, or very defiant, or very solemn about these events even though we, ourselves, were not harmed on that date; and no one we know lost limb or life, either. And even though all of us are constantly indoctrinated by corporate-sponsored media to understand that the East Coast, north of the Confederate States of America, is a decadent hive of scum and villainy. As well as some other places.

Therefore, I strongly recommend that you read this recap, by Fairness and Accuracy In Reporting (FAIR), documenting how mainstream corporate media rapidly volunteered to serve as a cat's paw for America's right-wing "assignment editors" as they fabricated false connections, slanderously, between EVIL MUSLIMS and AMERICAN LIBERALS:
At least one commentator blamed the left for the attacks themselves. Columnist Steven Schwartz (New York Post, 9/12/01) wrote that "the anti-globalist rioters seek to intimidate world capitalism into shutting down altogether, and the distance between breaking the windows of McDonald's to achieve that end and blowing up the World Trade Center is pretty damned narrow."
I think this FAIR article is important because, to me, it undeniably illustrates the core sickness of so many self-identified Republicans, conservatives, Tea Partiers, rednecks, and "patriots" today: the readiness to either seize or create opportunities to slander, silence, and if necessary eliminate people THE OTHER. That is, everyone who looks like they do not belong to THE TRIBE. Routinely, the opportunity to vilify THE OTHER is driven entirely by paranoic fanasy or prima facie hate. And journalists are paid to pretend that they are blind and deaf to this.

In advance, I apologize for the churlishness with which I may respond to any assertion that "both sides do it." No, they don't. In America, they really really don't. But the Kens and Barbies who staff our nation's network and cable news shops pretend that they don't know that. They are key members of the ideological lynch mob that has held this nation in fear and moral atrophy for 3 decades.

Update: here's another example of a perverted lunatic spinning slanderous "theories" about liberals with full impunity granted corporate journalists. Although he immediately quit his position as Georgia representative and Speaker of the House, in disgrace, upon being re-elected in 1998, Newt Gingrich is still highly regarded by the polite establishment as a political visionary. He claims, whether in sincerity or deception, that in effect Barack Obama is de Mau Mau incarnate. His motives mostly don't matter; what matters is that he's still portrayed as a policy expert and political bellwether by the media lie machines.

Editor's notes: (1) Rubber Crutch's decision to post this item on September 12, not September 11, was fully intentional. (2) Yes, he did knowingly begin this counter-commemoration post with a strange but genuine Wikipedia/Fifty50 "mashup." (3) This post is likely to need subsequent editorial review for after-hours booboos that elude detection at this hour. (4) Thank you for your attention to these matters.


  1. Things to wonder about-- A. how many other people (and wolves) were never "impressed" by the events on 9/11 beyond the massive scale of the crime and the carnage. Callous? Far more innocent lives are lost to drunk driving every year, just not so spectacularly.

    Also, B. how many other people had the immediate feeling on 9/11 that this was somehow orchestrated by the Bush administration and its string-pullers? Not that I ever believed in the theories that attempt to implicate them in the planning and execution but rather that I didn't put it past "conservative" morality to do something of that nature. Indeed, their subsequent exploitation of those events tells quite clearly whose "side" they're on.

    Or 3. the fact that so many people have so little of importance to do 9 years later but gather and spew about this may indicate that we need a "long emergency" just to get all that energy channeled into a daily routine of finding and preparing the day's (or week's) meal.

    And ^. when will these "conservatives" start being called what they actually are-- anti-American and Un-Christian. Hypocrites and liars. Ignorant tools.

    Wasters of my time.

  2. Exploit, pander, milk,, what else? Don't ever forget because that would mean we have to grow, move on, lead. Keep pickin' at that scab.

  3. Oil Can: para 2 reflects my own sensibility. The crazy and improbable "theory" --- that Republicans planned it --- is put forth to indirectly tar all other hypotheses involving collusion or tactical passivity, even those that may be corroborated by some evidence that needs to be considered.

    Gurlitzer: your first four words sound like what might go on when they turn out the lights for beddy-bye at the C-Street Center
