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Friday, December 31, 2010

Out of office message

Hello. RubberCrutch will be unavailable until the year 2011. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

Top Floor, Bottom Buzzer, Morphine (2000, from "The Night," Dreamworks 00445-00562), via YouTube, embedded for noncommercial critical discussion and educational purposes.


  1. Just by chance you forgot something and had to come back to the office....Happy New Year!

  2. Pete Poiyt, Blogspot Maintenance Manager10:11 AM, January 01, 2011

    Blogspot rules require taking down holiday decorations on or by January 1. Thank you for your attention to this matter.

  3. Best wishes shouldering the load.


  4. 59er: sorry to dawdle on my way back. Happy New Year to you and your family!

    Pete: judging from your name, you must be the issue of Don Martin. Anyway, I've replaced the apoplectic Santa with something more suitable for celebrating the upcoming season of cabin fever.

    Galen: thank you for the healing words. They will sing glorious songs of your exploits two millennia from now!
