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Wednesday, March 16, 2011

"Calculated risk"

"It would be hard to describe how alarming this is right now."

That's what a high-ranking US official told ABC News about the deteriorating nuclear reactor situations at Fukushima.
The difficulties caused by the evacuations were blamed for "escalating" the chances of a meltdown.

"They need to stop pulling out people -- and step up with getting them back in the reactor to cool it. There is a recognition this is a suicide mission," the unnamed U.S. official was quoted by ABC as saying
Yes sir, those "Japs" had better step up to the plate and get crackin' on that suicide mission of theirs so that anonymous high-ranking US officials, not to mention senior samurai at US Westinghouse, may sleep a little easier.

You see, they-all do the calculating and we-all do the risking.



  1. Monster mutated crabs propagating the world over...ALL with a rending, raw, craving hunger for human flesh...

    The human sushi revenge!

    Benny ha ha ha hanna!!!

  2. A recent all-too-topical seminar mentioned the likely reactor design improvement of adding a "core catcher" consisting of a massive reinforced concrete basement of sorts that even an active and liquified reactor core would not burn through thus avoiding contaminated ground water. I couldn't help but think of Star Trek where a most assuredly last ditch Hail Mary to Hell act is to eject La Core and detonate* -- thus eluding a black hole, secular humanism, rational thought, or other dire threats to civilization.

    Yes, that's right: "Core Catcher" (coming soon to a triple-A ball park near you).


    * lather, rinse, repeat

  3. Anon 1: I was acquainted with an English prof in college named Marshall Grossman, who has achieved some moderate prominence as an occasional HuffPost columnist, who first made me aware of the the film scholar's take on Japanese monster movies. I guess it may be a commonplace now, but it seemed pretty new to me back then. In particular, he talked about how Godzilla was considered at least a partially subconscious way of processing their two nuclear holocausts for consumption by the general public. So I've been thinking (semi-appropriately) about Godzilla for the past week.

    Anon 2: even though I think nuclear fission power plants are, from a risk management point of view, an absurd approach to heating up TV dinners, I like the idea of the core ejector. How about requiring nuclear plants to be sited only where the geology would support the construction of a deep-ass mineshaft of ultra-super concrete into which the core and fuel rods could be dropped and then entombed in response to a runaway emergency? As you know, we already have the technology: it's "only an engineering problem"!!!
