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Saturday, May 7, 2011

Friday after hours

If memory serves me correctly, there is a birthday boy out there on the World Wide Web tonight (May 6) who isn't me, yet shares a birthday with those two international icons of love: the Eiffel Tower (1889) and Rudolph Valentino (1895). He has a number in his pseudonym, and this song is dedicated to him. "Blue Turk" is the touching story of a young man who gets all wound up on booze with a babe, and then discovers both delusional wicked delights and the true meaning of post-coital depression.

From one of my favorite albums, and not performed in a musical style that most people would associate with Alice Cooper.

Blue Turk, Alice Cooper (1972, from "School's Out," original LP release Warner Bros. Records BS 2623), via YouTube, embedded for noncommercial critical discussion and educational purposes.


  1. No shit! I remember now you mentioning we shared a day. Hope you had a great B-Day.

    Thanks for Alice "After Hours." Awesome!

  2. 59er: thanks, Valentino---same to you!

  3. hey, you bloody wanker. Where was my birthday song?

  4. Tony: never heard of ya---sorry.

  5. Don't mind Tony boy, his 3rd way always was a damp squib - like his integrity. Here's to scoring a TKO every time for this and all coming birthday bouts.

    Henry Cooper
