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Friday, February 24, 2012

He just finds it "a little troubling"

John Ellis "Used To Be A Conservative" Bush (JEB), the former Florida governor whose Republican machine unethically thwarted a fair and balanced presidential vote recount in 2000, feels
it's a little troubling sometimes when people are appealing to people's fears and emotion rather than trying to get them to look over the horizon for a broader perspective and that's kind of where we are"
according to a HuffingtonPost article with an embedded Fox link. JEB is of course referring to those nattering nabobs of negativism, the 2012 Republican presidential candidates. The HuffPost report indicates that JEB's opinion is shared by his bosom old buddy Karl "Still The Queen Of The Jackbooted Neocon Admen" Rove. I'd interpret their sentiment as an unintentional admission that they are momentarily embarrassed by the monster created by Rove's mentor, the late Lee "Nigger Nigger Nigger" Atwater.


  1. yes, those nattering naboobs will not do. What can be done? An article about a reasonable Republican this week? Maybe several through March? A few well-timed Sunday TV appearances in April? And suddenly Mitt's campaign hits some threatening legal turbulence-- where did that come from? All that stuff about Rove-- you're right but you left out 'fucking genius'.

  2. Kevin Phillips, who conceived the Southern Strategy, was arguably a genius of wedge politics. Lee Atwater, who applied advanced propaganda to the Southern Strategy in visionary ways, was arguably a genius of sociopathic American conservatism. Karl Rove, however, had it all spoonfed to him. He's not a genius; he's just a pusillanimous political vandal. Dividing one group of people from another doesn't require any genius or even much imagination. Every white-collar workplace with 10 employees probably has at least one on board. All he needs to succeed is an indifference to anything but his own desire.
