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Friday, February 17, 2012

Lousy blogger

Hi. How are you? I am fine!

In the past few days I've come to the conclusion that my experiment in civic engagement has failed and that I will abandon it in order to spend more time with my blog.

Two years ago I volunteered to serve on the board of a local organization dedicated to the preservation and conservation of historic buildings. A good cause, I thought then and still think now. But the whole episode began to disagree with me even before Day 1. And, unfortunately, my duties for this organization directly impinge on the mental resources I rely upon for my own creative output.

A week or so ago I started working toward a humane exit strategy in which I'd add a bunch of value for whomever is recruited to fill my sorry place on the board. As fate would have it, a matter of some consequence has arisen for my organization---a matter that must be handled with leadership, excellent communication, teamwork, and intelligence. Several days into handling this issue my hapless group has shown little of the four graces aforementioned in excess of what I have been able to provide... and I am the least-well-informed person among them. This is not to say that the people are bad, because they are not. But the organization is a helpless mess.

The events of this week have inspired me to tighten up my exit strategy. I'd originally planned to leave with a 50-50 blend of consideration and dickishness, but I've leaned-down the consideration blend to about 35-65 now as I waste time in nowhere email conversations. My Chinese penpal, Roflmao Zedong, warned me that my "friends" (as he referred to them) will not see my exit as merely 65% dickish, but will see it as 100% dickish. I explained to him that I was aware of that possibility, which is why I'm prepared to go 100% dickish in reality if they don't watch themselves and even if they do. I am temperamentally unsuited for working as part of a committee.

I'd much rather spend my evenings with you than worrying about how goddam far behind I am on the newsletter schedule. So it's coming. I am hoping for a significant uptick in blog activity within about 3 weeks. Thank you for your attention in this matter.


  1. Sounds more Italian than English (of course take your pick). Quiet desperation, grace under pressure, "...this was their finest hour...", or one flamingly memorable Verdi-esque exit for the ages? How it might matter is the one data-bit of how you're remembered in some future, random, related encounter. Over time, it IS a small town. It's none of my bees wax, so I'll offer completely ill informed advice anyway: 1) set a date and/or task certain after which you proactively make it eminently and repeatedly clear that you are ex post facto gone, 2) complete said task (as applicable), 3) ON the last day send a message that affirms the organization goals, points to your specific contribution(s), and wish everyone luck (i.e., keep it positive even if you're ready to spit acid and/or contemplate other unspeakable fits of mayhem), 4) hold firm against "post" efforts to contact you...not a word, not a peep; if you waiver one wit or centilla you will be sorry. And then Presto!, one episode completed with some grace intact and on to whatever's next. Oh, and be ready should the topic come up later (only if asked, tell your version and stick to it).

    Stay tuned for our next episode: How Not to Run for the Republican Nomination!

    Rarl Kove

  2. Ten-four Eleanor. The method I worked out already is pretty much the one you prescribe. My point was that my departure will be viewed as a dick move under any circumstance, but in greater proportion as the group gives me more and more reasons to move the date up closer to the present.
