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Tuesday, September 3, 2013

I wonder if there will be a "debate" on this one

Kerry Doesn't Rule Out Boots On The Ground If Syria 'Implodes'

I wonder what he doesn't rule out when America implodes.


  1. Who says America has not imploded, and it's merely a matter of time and momentum before it becomes apparent to all?

    (inspired by the cherry flavored, pessimistic Zantac)

    IBS Speaks! Ptttfffffff....

    "Wise man breaks wind and is gone". (J. Tull)

    1. "Implosion" seems like the wrong metaphor, actually. I'm thinking of a 90 ft hackberry tree, the mightiest specimen of timber on the block, that goes sideways without any announcement, sundered from the earth deep in its roots. No telling what it will take down alongside it.

  2. Implosion is wrong word-- what I thought. And whatever it is it already happened. Also what I thought. It's not a crash or tipping over or explosion either.

    It's a hallucinatory event, like what happens inside Alice's rabbit hole. Like up is down, big is small, white is black, etc. The ground isn't firm so no one has any footing. Stability is gone. Everything is mush. Out of the mouths of the ignorant comes... sense. Out of the wise comes stupid. Nothing is reasonable. No one can be trusted!

    Hopefully someone much smarter than us will soon explain what the fuck is going on. In my tiny brain either an insane god or a corporate cabal is behind it all. The only comforting thing about it is that whatever it is it isn't affecting the entire world. Many places are still intact (New Guinea for instance).

    1. Big Hussein Otis sounds overwrought. I suspect that you're reading too much of the same viewpoint over and over, which crowds out the time to investigate more long-form (but less convenient) sources of explanatory information. One suggestion is to read Corey Robin's "The Reactionary Mind," which develops an explanatory theory of conservatism based on actual, but accessible, political philosophy. Then track down Havel's "Power of the Powerless" and consider taking it seriously. And, best of all, watch this space for my big "fall product rollout"!
