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Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Cutty, feely open thread

A few "housekeeping" matters for you, in the form of my first, very own "open thread." In case  you don't know, "open thread" is a blogging term for a post that is of little inherent interest but serves as a pointer to a comments section where readers may intercommunicate.

I will direct the vassals of my domain to use the comments thread, if advisable, to pass along any news of interest about my condition and wellbeing in relation to some arthroscopic surgery I'll receive on Tuesday. This will take my left shoulder offline for several days, and it probably will stymie any significant typing by RubberCrutch. My hope is that there is no news at all to report, other than "all is well," and that immobilization of the shoulder won't have me away from the keyboard for more than, say, 36 hours.

I'll probably be away from work for close to 2 weeks, and will start fast on PT in 1 week. This pretty much constitutes my "vacation" for the upcoming year, so I intend to enjoy it to whatever extent possible. I've laid in a case of assorted affordable organic wines for medicinal purposes.

I'm still a little behind on responding to commenters from over the holidays and the past weekend; I feel like a jag about this because it's always my intent to share words with people who take the time to read this page and then write something about it. To me, blogging at a third- or fourth-tier scale is the only meaningful internet social medium; Facebook and Twitter seem worse than useless for purposes of... well, anything; blogging is not only social, it's also personal. I hope to catch up with all commenters before tomorrow noon, which is showtime.

If there is anything to be reported about my condition, it will be posted in the comments section by Beer-D or Big Rock Head. Talk to you soon.

---Love, RubberCrutch


  1. Here's to a successful surgery and a speedy recovery. That's one dandy vacation you're going to have.

  2. gurlitzer: you said it---a wonderland of booze and pills! What could be better tonic for a person in this day and age? Thanks for your good wishes.

  3. Go easy on the oxycodone. It's extremely powerful, but too much might cause you need for some "Fleets." Good health to ya Bro.

  4. So, what's up, doc?

  5. To all loyal subjects of Lord RubberCrutch:

    Repairs of the damages suffered in the brutal midsummer Murdercycle accident were successful. RubberCrutch has been the model (out)patient and is complying religiously to the strict pill and booze regimen ordered by the doctor.

    In all likelihood, RubberCrutch himself will soon return to the helm of Fifty50 to share with you pictures of his poor little, sweet little, butchy-butchy rotator cuff.

    "Thank you for your attention to this matter."


  6. Good news. Thanks for the update.

  7. thanks bd. much more informative than brh's report.

  8. Thanks, everybody, for your concern about my plight. The recovery is going much more weirdly than I expected from previous experiences, mostly in terms of cognitive fallout from anesthesia and post-op medication. Thanks for the tip from The 59er about pain killers and intestinal-type issues: I'm not using oxy (hydro is effective enough), but I have added a long-forgotten favorite kid-drink of mine from the "cocoa" era: prune juice. I have to start getting some cardio-type exercise pretty soon or else I'll become a maniac.
