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Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Sheltering in place

I'm going to close the clamshell in a few minutes. I should probably stay offline until tomorrow, but I may check before I retire for the evening.

About the only thing I feel like saying right now is about what Gurlitzer said in a comment about the Mingus song posted below. So I'm delegating the bulk of tonight's writing chore to her (i.e., I'm plagiarizing her work):
Fuck the GOP and their just plain criminal behavior. And fuck the justice dept. for not doing anything about it. And fuck the corporate media who say no tax returns, Mitt? Well shucks, that's just fine with us. And while we know you are lying about everything, it's not our place to call you on it.

And Husted in Ohio now changes the rules on provisional ballots as just the latest in a string of attempts to curtail the vote. And no one will call it for what it is, blatant cheating. AND WE LET THEM ALL GET AWAY WITH IT.

And by the way, Watergate never really ended. These bastards will still do anything to win. 
Before I turned off the radio half an hour ago I heard an NPR news reader announce that his network projects a win for Bernie Sanders, an "independent" senator representing New Hampshire (he's a Socialist). I also heard two NPR newsgirls --- honestly, that's how they were behaving --- all giddy about the silly Republican county Supervisor of Elections in Florida who "accidentally" activated a voter turnout robocall a day late, possibly misleading some people to think they could vote on Wednesday. "Even ex-governor Charlie Crist's wife got a call!" one of them tittered. They were just tickled pink.

None of the accounts of election ratfucking in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania (especially Philadelphia) seemed to be making it in any detail to NPR --- the general impression given by them is that other than a few hiccups everything is going fairly well, or something. So all the news about this I'm seeing comes from new media, basically, and Esquire online. All of those sources are well known to be skewed by liberal bias, so their reports can't be true. Phew! (Sorry about the lazy sourcing for the above; I want to get offline asap.)

I fear that there's a nontrivial probability that unsubtle attempts to steal the election have now moved from the planning to the execution stage, and that I will wake up tomorrow morning to a spectacle of drama where there should be a clear winner... and in which the corporate media give an Oscar performance of dumb-all-over. If that happens, it is feasible that we might not be looking merely at another 2000 in Florida or 2004 in Ohio (yes, it happened): a constitutional crisis could loom... one much bigger than the Sandra Day O'Connor Y2K junta.


  1. Gooooooood morning!

    1. Haha. I suppose you've already had your celebratory cigarette or else I'd join you. I guess the real thing to be thankful for today is not that a majority of Americans were repulsed by the idea of a First Lady who wants to eliminate public schools, but that today's brand of Republican election-fraud thug is as incompetent as his paymaster. The trouble in Philadelphia really had me worried.

    2. They will learn from their mistakes and be more successful next time I expect. They will NOT give up because they are evil, misguided, misinformed and valueless.

      But still, things are good. Much better than I feared. And I hope the next four years will give the country the chance to realize that the ACA and the preservation of Medicare and SS is actually a GOOD thing that improves their lives now and for the future. And if the corporate media shapes up and gets a spine, the people might have the facts they need to make valid judgments.

      The evil ones won't give up though, and I expect politics and elections to get worse before they get better. Their desperation will lead them to dark, dark places.

  2. Frankly I done with politics and politicians. They're elected to run the country not to look like total pricks.

    I blame the media. If we didn't have that insatiable beast demanding more and more content politicians would be finished. Or at least they'd be silent and out of sight.

    I certainly think both parties should be put on trial for wasting so much of America's time with total crap and pointless posturing.

    I think we deserve something better. Just can't think what it might be.

  3. As part of a longer interview (found at):

    "CORNEL WEST: Well, one, I think that it’s morally obscene and spiritually profane to spend $6 billion on an election, $2 billion on a presidential election, and not have any serious discussion—poverty, trade unions being pushed against the wall dealing with stagnating and declining wages when profits are still up and the 1 percent are doing very well, no talk about drones dropping bombs on innocent people. So we end up with such a narrow, truncated political discourse, as the major problems—ecological catastrophe, climate change, global warming. So it’s very sad. I mean, I’m glad there was not a right-wing takeover, but we end up with a Republican, a Rockefeller Republican in blackface, with Barack Obama, so that our struggle with regard to poverty intensifies."

    Q1: But what does he really think?

    Q2: There's probably more of a story as to how he came to be emeritus from Princeton. Preemptive move to avoid a Ward Churchill sort of fate?

    But nothing wrong with multiple opinions. Could probably use more. Locally we might get a Speaker's Corner which could be interesting, though not especially effective unless it's streamed live or something. And if it caught on....could have a large, live, installation of 6x5 (10x20?)ongoing low grade rants. Or better 2 walls facing each other.


  4. While Rome burns?

    Though biz oriented, the PWC boys'n girls tend to be no-nonesense, button down types. Vs 2 degrees (C?) PWC says 6! In geologic time I think the "old" record is 3. Whadda ya want, eggs or a sidewalk to fry 'um on?
