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Thursday, September 4, 2008

As seen on [updated]

Last night I responded to an open invitation for guest posts issued by my blog-world friend Dan Solomon, who is busy resettling back in the U.S.S.A. after living in teh England. I offered Dan a StuporMundi Exclusive looking back on my Petraeus/Lieberman '08 fugue, and why I believe the principles behind my strategy would have been sound for Republicans. I'm very gratified that he posted it, and I thank him. Take a look if you like.

Update: Go read my post on, goddamit!!!

1 comment:

  1. We did see it, about a week ago. And there are 2 parts of your idea that are still alive far as I can see. First, Caribou Barbie isn't the end of the shock and awe campaign, or even the biggest part of that. She's likely to get flushed about the time someone finds out why she so hastily had to leave one or more of those 5 colleges. If they don't know already. A true Rovian master would already have her ticket home printed and ready to mail.

    The other part is that Petraeus is still likely to be ushered aboard, as he's now being ushered out of Iraq, quietly. So he'll be made available in a pinch, and the other generals (can a general be uppity?) won't be sad to see him go.

    Of course, there's always the possibility that gramps won't make it to Novemeber. An opening for Joe, methinks, if he could put his Knesset responsibilities on hold for a month. That would be a little shock and awe for the white snakes we saw chanting in tongues at the RNC last week.

    Now, write somthing this week!
