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Saturday, November 15, 2008

Saturday afternoon


These "guys" could have found something more comfy to do on 15 November in Champaign, Ill., because the wind was slicing through the intersection of Green and Neil at over 10 mph and the temperature was about 35 when I shot this.

The group's cause is self-explanatory from the sign on the left. The leaflets they handed me explain their view that Scientology is a "dangerous cult with a criminal past" that "uses brainwashing and intimidation to financially bankrupt its members." I did not tell them that, if their beliefs were true, that would put Scientology in a category similar to about half the organized religions I've heard of. But I don't have any problem with them having their say-so about cults on a college-town street corner in November 2008.

After kindly correcting my inexcusable assumption that they were observing Guy Fawkes Day ("no, that was on November 5th"), one of the "guys" told me that they wore the masks as a sign of solidarity with each other, and referred to the closing scenes of V. Another reason for the masks, unstated, may have been that they take L. Ron Hubbard's "Fair Game Law" seriously.

Photography notes: I grabbed this shot with my trusty Sony F717 snapshooter. Quickly processed the shot, uncropped, in Adobe Bridge to correct for overexposure and to recover highlight detail. I avoided "color correcting" the exposure to warm up the tones, though, because I wanted to try to depict how freakin' cold it was in that intersection. My exposure adjustment looked fine on screen in Bridge. But everything, colorwise, tends to change when I upload to Blogger. This is because I'm undereducated about color rendering on the web versus in a photo application on screen versus output from a color printer. I'll have to sit down and RTFM sometime.

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