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Friday, November 7, 2008

Another way to solve the Democrats' Lieberman problem

I addressed this problem yesterday in a post where I shared a letter that I wrote to Senator Durbin about stripping "Tailgunner Joe" Lieberman of his Senate Homeland Security Committee chairmanship. But just now, after a night of no sleep, I had an even better idea: Obama should nominate Lieberman to be Ambassador to Israel. Then appoint a strong, knowledgeable Obama favorite to be Joe's highest-ranking deputy ambassador in order both to keep an eye on him and to be involved in all substantive matters.

This solution would be a three-fer for Barack: he could make a show of personal forgiveness and "reaching out" (which could, as an option, actually be genuine); he could delight both the Israelis and AIPAC by sending them our very own little Little Knesset Man (as the other BO calls him); and most importantly, he could finally rid the Sentate of this pathetic, creepy pest.

Bonus "fer": if Joe had not succeeded in bringing the Israelis along toward moderation and a netotiation framework after about a year, the President could tell the li'l fella his services were no longer required and then ceremoniously exterminate him altogether.


  1. all yer G's look like T's

  2. Hey-- if you haven't already, get this ambassador idea to Josh Marshall to amplify. It's genius, I tell ya. They can add one more real Democratic senator for Conn. and torture Israel at the same time.

  3. Brilliant - get Droopy Dog out of the Senate and let him do some good.

  4. A small dose of Machavelli goes a long way...caution advised, don't operate large corporate machinery. Standard canon is to purge hard and deep just as soon as you can. Go overboard but be quick about it, since you want it over and not have to do it again. While a tremendous improvement, me thinks, OB is still to define himself by actions. Expectations are to walk on diaphenous mist so some disappointment is assuredly baked into the shrinking pie. Should be interesting. If only because of recent comparisons international relations could be a forte. "Reapproachmont", what a concept! Une grande idea!!

    PS how long will GWBs pardon list be? Can he pardon himself? Can the pardons cover: a) past crimes still to be discovered/prosecuted?, b) future crimes with at least a "toe" in the past? And to really tangle the scholars well past time to push up the daiseys...can he add a signing statement?

    Next to Berlesconi he is one piece of work.


  5. Franklin: did you type that with your wooden teeth?

    BO: I sent it to Josh but no reply. Maybe I need to send it to the other BO. Torture Israel?!? I think that's against the Geneva Conventions.

    Anon 1: thank you; I don't know if Lieberman is capable of doing anything constructive, but I say give him a year to try while getting him the hell out of the Senate. And you might be surprised what kind of brilliant ideas you can get if you soak your reefer in Vick's VapoRub before you smoke it.

    Anon LM: I believe that Machiavelli had a whole bag of tricks, not just violent purges. Keep the enemy close, all that jazz. I think a little Machiavelli goes only a little way; there are many Machiavellian tactics for managing fractious groups constructively as long as one doesn't fall into the ends-justify-means hubris. After all, why would the most powerful man in the world need to be nasty about things?

  6. don't you mean "did you gype ghag wigh your wooden geegh?"

    Before Obama deals with Lieberman, he should pressure blogspot to get rid of the 'anonymous' option in the identity field. He could do so by announcing to the public that it is "gay".

    I also wanted to tell you guys about the lung oyster I just coughed into my case you were curious about my day.

  7. also! I head if you put Vick's VapoRub on your feet and then put on warm socks before you go to bed, you won't cough during the night.

  8. yeah, "big giant head" is much more specific than the catchall word anonymous. Hell, its even gayer.

    and brh-- I heard that if you put vaporub on your sock, shove it into your mouth, and duct-tape it closed, you won't cough either.

    See what happens to this blog when SM takes time off for R&R. Damned shame.

  9. Then Obama could "ceremoniously exterminate" the "Little Knesset Man" altogether. That's some fine word choosin'!

  10. Beardy: It was edited from the original "gut the little motherfucker," but that wouldn't be very very nice.

  11. At least you didn't title the post "a [possible] solution to the Lieberman question."

    Although maybe you should have.


    Actually, no. It's better that you didn't.

  12. Beardy: in fact, that was my original wording... after I had first removed the word "final" from it. Some rhetoric is too Metal even for me.

  13. I agree. In fact, that's why I have "possible" in brackets. I couldn't quite get myself to post the comment with "final" as a qualifier. I had it typed out and hit preview to see what it looked like, and - like you - decided it was way too Metal.


  14. I wanna know two things:

    1) why anon seems to hate me

    2) who stole my identity?

    Oh, and I guess a third one, too:

    3) is it really not obvious that "brh, big rock head, mr. head, and big giant head" are all the same person? Why are they being addressed separately?

  15. 1. I actually like me
    2. who-- or WHAT
    3. no, its not not obvious, and becoming less so with each passing comment
