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Friday, November 19, 2010

Tea and crumb pits

Apropos of the Phil Ochs lyrics The 59er has been sharing with us in the comments threads, most recently here, I think of this doke I saw on the web comic Married To The Sea awhile back:

It's easy to sling around idealism, whether just misguided or cynically manipulative, until we do a few thought experiments about the potential logical outcomes.

In my analysis, the followers are angry, all with more than enough reasons. Based on media coverage (which is what most of us have to go on), most of them blame the wrong people for their problems. They are preoccupied with the "undesirables"---fellow victims, all, incidentally, but living further downhill toward the pit where all the "shit" ultimately rolls---instead of the Nobility. Our homegrown aristocracy busily continues to socially engineer a nation mired in distrust, fear, and absolutism, and Tea Partiers will glide down the slippery slope toward the pit with the rest of us Commoners. So what can I say about these Tea Partiers? Some are earnest but misguided, many are True Believers, and the rest are just "dipshits." The instigators, though, are a whole 'nother class of entities.

Editor's note: I recommend that everyone visit Married To The Sea every day. These shorties who produce this clip art web comic demonstrate to all you geezers out there that there are plenty of "millennials" who know where it's at. They just stay away from our neighborhoods.


  1. "whether just misguided or cynically manipulative"

    A good turn of phrase which sums it up nicely. (The cartoon hits the nail on the head too.) Maybe visiting Married to the Sea can make a dent in my disgust with the pundits and the media. Thanks.

    (Tea and Crumb Pits? Really?)

  2. gurlitzer: my disgust with the conglomerate media---and particularly, journalism, the profession I trained for---has led me to tune it out. It's futile to expect a significant presence of adults and reality-based commentators from media conglomerates. I'm developing an asymmetric approach to engaging with reality in this ignoble era. This online journal provides clues to my evolving framework, if not prescriptions for others. But when I hit on something that helps and can personally vouch for it, I share. My current interests are the study of eternal verities, aesthetics, self-reliance, and investigation of the Stoic philosophy. But comics pretty much top the list.
