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Saturday, November 6, 2010

No, progressives didn't "win" Tuesday


Big Hussein Otis pointed me to a plucky column by Karen Dolan, an activist and fellow at the liberal Institute for Policy Studies, which merrily proclaims that progressives "won" yesterday's national midterm elections. That's a farfetched interpretation, obviously, and she certainly must be using it to attract the attention of dispirited liberals. But the analysis in back of if conforms to one of my own conclusions.

I am part of Dolan's target audience even though I'm not a Democrat and never will be. Since high school I've identified with the ideals of the political heroes of the progressive era in U.S. politics: Teddy Roosevelt, "Fighting Bob" LaFollette of Wisconsin, and the muckraker journalists, for example. Democrats are supposed to be the heirs to and stewards of the American progressive political tradition. But Democrats became lukewarm toward, and even ashamed of, their responsibility to promote progressive policies and programs. I assume this abdication of responsibility---cowardice, let's say---is the result of being vilified for liberalism during 30 years of rhetorical assault by a minority of loud, hateful political and corporate thugs. Well, too bad---"politics ain't beanbag. Abandoning the practice of your core principles while publicly implying that you still fight for them on behalf of ordinary Americans an ugly failure of character. That should have consequences. In the Tuesday midterms, it did. And my conclusion is: good!

Over half the members of the House Blue Dog caucus lost their seats to Republicans, by Dolan's count. And, says Dolan, almost two thirds of the conservative House Democrats who voted against HCR---Blue Dogs and others---also lost. Meanwhile, only three members of the House progressive caucus lost. So, as I say: good!

"Blue Dogs", as you know, are a caucus of congressional Democrats who use the party label, its past reputation, and its resources to win their elections so they can use their office to undermine their own party and thwart progressive legislation in concert with the regressive political minority. In other words, Blue Dogs are a critical component of the American regressive movement, and turn that minority into a majority. They do their dirty work in Democrat drag, pretending that they're "centrists," and party leadership permits this situation to continue. The party has gotten what it deserves.

So even though progressives would be silly to consider Tuesday's results to be a win, some bad karma accounts were settled. Will the party learn its lesson? I don't think so. I think it's more likely the party will die from it. So that will leave room for a new progressive party to push its way into the game. If we still have a functioning democracy by then.

And meanwhile, the new Republican coalition is flimsier than a Walmart card table. How can Rand Paul preach to his Libertarian congregation that Government doesn't create jobs when it's just created one for him and each member of his new staff?


  1. my first thought after reading Russ Feingold was out was that Obama needed to hire him or send him to the supreme court. But actually, he's just the mote for this new bull moose party (but get a new name, Palin has ruined animal names) to crystallize around. It would be a great way for the majority of Democrats to step away from the blue morons (no animal names) and leave them nowhere to go but the Republican party, which now has a critical mass of stupid in it and faces it's own immolation (at some point Big Business is going to have to step on these teabag upstarts).

    Meanwhile, what are the odds Obama will pull an LBJ and not run again in 2012. He could, without announcing it until summer 2012 (allowing him to have a handpicked successor already in the chute) use the remaining time to just blister these fucking dipshits. Get the DOJ to prosecute the banksters. Double down on health reform (ie speed up its implementation to 2011-- put it in people's hands and see if GOP can snatch it away. Send Mitch McConnell on a fact-finding trip to Pakistan, and then publish his itinerary in the newspaper. Don't wait for Darrell Issa to start some bogus impeachment investigation-- find a young boy Issa molested and get that out ahead of the investigation. Hell, the "news" will "report" anything.

    And what the hell-- let George Soros buy a cable news venue and turn it into FOX smart. A blatant left wing propaganda machine. Looks like Keith Olbermann is available.

  2. BO: you like storylines. So do I, sort of. But there ain't no successful political party going to be founded by a loser, no matter how highly one might esteem him. And I don't see how someone like Feingold would be cleared by the Senate for the Supreme Court without a pro-Feingold supermajority. In the past, many Republicans would have consented to approving a fellow senator for the court even if he sat across the aisle. I'd bet my favorite Milwaukee cordless drill that such a thing would never happen today, club or no club.

    Also, I have a name for a new political organization and am drafting a statement of first principles for it. I'm thinking of protecting it as a franchise until I find some worthy to turn it over to. But first I must document it....
