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Thursday, February 28, 2008

Bottom-feeding on the irony circuit

Since the following morsel is too small for the heavy hitters of political blogging, I suppose it's up to me to put it on the record. This, from President Bush's White House press conference today (transcript excerpt from Fox News, to which I will not link):

Question: I'm wondering if you can give us a little bit of insight into your thinking about this, and just explain to the American people what is lost by talking with those with when (sic) we disagree.

Bush: What's lost by embracing a tyrant who puts his people in prison because of their political beliefs? What's lost is it'll send the wrong message. It'll send a discouraging message to those who wonder whether America will continue to work for the freedom of prisoners. It'll give great status to those who have suppressed human rights and human dignity.

As if you, my most sophisticated and highly intelligent reader, need me to interpret for you, I will just point out that Bush's words could just as appropriately have been aimed at his own administration by the leader of any democracy that still abides by the Geneva Conventions and the various nuclear non-proliferation treaties.

The President's words were evidently a swipe at Barack Obama, who would glorify dictators by considering the use of diplomacy to solve international conflicts. Now, is anybody really worried that a competent Secretary of State couldn't easily achieve all key U.S. foreign policy goals with Cuba, Iran, and North Korea within a year? I'll bet it wouldn't take much more than secretly offering Castro,
Ahmadinejad, and Kim each a few boatloads of swag, a bottomless expense account, and carte blanche at David Vitter's favorite brothel. Seriously.

1 comment:

  1. One could posit: al Sadar is being paid off, hence the 2nd 6 month "cease fire" (or at least non-combativeness). On the one hand it could be in the model of Hamas to win the hearts of the people and win the next election. On the other hand a possible US strongman to prop up....but think again.

    L. Mc-Oo
