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Tuesday, October 28, 2008

As seen on Cesca

If I'd had a mush fulla merlot when I saw the photo below, I'd have spewed it all over the MacBook Pro:

The original was posted by Lindsay Beyerstein at The Campaign Silo. Cesca asks some reasonable questions:

How did the fetus get a flag in there? And why is the fetus inside of what appears to be a hand grenade?

I have another one: why does the fetus in profile look like a cross between Trig Palin and Barack Obama?

Update: readers with highly literate senses of humor may notice that my opening couplet appears to be inspired by the comic stylings of Basil Wolverton. I just noticed that myself.


  1. if Obama doesn't win next week the world is surely going to end soon!

  2. JHC: with a name like Yours, You must have some special insight into the implications of situation. So I'm hoping that the hardcore fascist rump of the GOP is simply too chickenshitted to risk Armageddon while "consumer confidence" is at an all-time low.

  3. That little fellow is liable to perforate his pate, nevertheless, McCain/Palin '08!

    I couldn't think of anything relevant that rhymes with "bean," tragically.

  4. He may have a soft squishy bean, but he's the proudest patriot I'VE ever seen!

  5. SM should give Beardy a little poetry spot on the blog. And maybe a place for chef BRH to share some of his rib-sticking recipes. Then maybe there'd be something new on here when we check every day.

  6. TH III: You seem to be implying that some people may wish to read this blog every day. In fact, I have spoken with the individuals to whom you refer about providing guest-post material periodically. I'll take up the matter with them again. I'm also happy to consider guest posts from anyone else as long as they reasonably comply with the Fifty50 mission statement and light, non-substantive editing is permitted for correctness of spelling and basic grammar... for I am, to the core, a simple country editor.
