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Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Joe The Plumber oppo

Inspired by a comment in the previous comments thread by Oil Can Harry, I must interject a bit of reality into the procession toward a knee-jerk beatification (and, later, inevitable mockery) of America's newest sweetheart, Joe The Plumber.

The average annual salary for a plumber, as the editor of E&P claims in HuffPo, does not in fact appear to be $45,000. Here are some figures from WikiAnswers, which are more in line with my experience in hiring plumbers. A plumber's "helper" earns about $25 per hour, which would amount to $52,000 gross for a year assuming full-time employment and no benefits. A "decent" Journeyman (presumably a competent tradesman who can work independently with little supervision) earns $68 or more per hour. That would amount to more than $140,000 per year, assuming full-time employment. And a Master Plumber? Try $175 an hour. You do the arithmetic. Yes, I understand that many plumbing jobs may be cyclical, like constuction jobs. No, I do not know whether they receive healtcare benfits, paid vacation, etc. But it would seem that a journeyman plumber could work half time and make about $70,000 annually.

So which kind of plumber do you think our hero Joe might be? How many plumber's "helpers" do you think could be in a position to buy a plumbing business on a salary of $50,000 or $60,000 a year? On that salary a guy is lucky if he can pay his mortgage, make his car payment, keep a 12-pack in the fridge every weekend, and take a 2-week camping trip once a year. However, if Joe is a Master Plumber, earning $364,000 a year (i.e., working 8 hours rather than 10 or 12 a day), then he might have reason to be concerned about losing his Bush tax cut. And if that's the case, then he can eat shit before he gets any sympathy from me. Fuggin' plutocrat.

PS: here is a nice picture of Oil Can Harry for you. It is presented here for nonprofit education and research purposes only, in order to show you what the nemesis of Mighty Mouse looked like in the 1950s. Boss zoot suit!


  1. I don't know where else to leave this comment, so I will do it here. I watched the debate tonight with roommate RB and local stupormundi fan "J-hickdawg". Without any mention of the video you sent me earlier today, he independently made the observation that McCain waddles around like "a penguin."

  2. to clarify, 'he' is J-hickdawg.

  3. For anyone who wishes to understand what BRH speaks of, here's a nice link to check out --- from Ezra Klein's blog as seen on TPM:

    FYI, I have no idea whether links work in a comments thread....

  4. I just heard and saw Joe the plumber with Katie Couric. Though he answered her questions more intelligently than Caribou Barbie could, he's a fucking moron. Those newly unemployed, middle-aged women Obama mentioned are why people are angry right now. Not a Mr. Clean wannabe who might not be able to buy all the boats and snow mobiles his small, shriveled heart dreams of.

    McCain-- out! By this weekend!
