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Friday, October 24, 2008

Moose droppings

The Palin campaign in pictures. One picture, in fact, covers the waterfront.

This is The Rest Of The Story, in case you have not read about it yet. Reality is even more disgusting than my sense of humor. Good day!


  1. look out-- Newt will advise her sue you for libel. Still, that's funny as hell. Wonder if it'll start popping up elsewhere.

  2. you know how anyone could have known she did this to herself right off the bat? The fucking 'B' is backwards! She just did it in a mirror! Or was her excuse, "he must have been illiterate"?

    The question is, why would someone be so passionate about anything that they would be willing to carve a B into their face? Money? Or am I starting to sound too much like StuporMundi now? At any rate, the thought of republicans paying some poor woman to brutalize herself for a story that could make people less ashamed to cast a vote driven purely by racism is sickening...But no more sickening than the thought of some of the other things my good friend StuporMundi has brought to my attention.

  3. Afterthought:

    Next time, pick an axi-symmetric, yet equally incriminating letter to tattoo to your own face...such as, oh I don't know...'O'? Also, don't make your story take place in a location littered with cameras than can easily prove you wrong. Why not a good, old-fashioned alley?

  4. BO: did you know that your initials are the same as Obama's? Should we start calling you Big Hussein Otis?

    BRH: I don't think anybody paid the College Republican girl to mutilate herself, but it seems like one inevitable result when mainstream politicians base a campaign on barely cloaked bigotry. The girl probably needs psychiatric evaluation, sensitivity training, and a related dose of community service. The same may hold true for most College Republicans.

    Selecting "O" would have been a better decision for the face carver not only because it's symmetric, but also because it stands for Osama (and Otis).

  5. how do you know the B isn't for Beardy?

    And SM-- check out MyFace or whatever the hell that is-- at least 2 of your female relatives now have the middle name Hussein. Just when Barack is rumored to change his middle name to Selig.

  6. Dir Sear-- time to write about American hoople-heads
