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Friday, February 5, 2010

Friday Evening Prayer Meeting

This is for Gurlitzer, if you're still out there. Don't know about you, but this was the first rendition of Stormy Monday I ever heard. Many hipsters would say this version is absurd, what with the Hammond organ sounding like a couples skate at the roller rink, and Lee Michaels with his earnest white-boy falsetto. But it hits the same spot as Wagner does on my aural palate.


  1. " celled hammond organism..."

  2. Anon: conceptual continuity acknowledged, but it sounds to me like the young Mr. Michaels is vamping on a highly multicellular Hammond organism. His "band," at this point in his recording career, consisted of himself and a drummer known to the general public as "Frosty." If I remember this album accurately, Lee did some really bad-ass bass work using the pedals, so most listeners might have assumed that the band was a trio instead of a two-piece combo.

  3. Well, that was fun. I have not heard this before, but it suits my aural palate. Thanks.

  4. Hi G: For awhile in hah-school this Lee Michaels tune was playing in every blacklit bedroom and rec room I haunted, so I assumed it had strummed your earbones around that time, too. This would have been around the time Russ did his milk-drinking trick on stage with Larry Lujack at the Aorta sock hop (and hurled curds into a garbage can about 90 seconds later).

  5. Well you know what? It probably did but I don't remember it. I wonder if I would have liked it back then...
