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Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Tuesday Night Bedtime

And I don't wanna hear another peep outta ya!


  1. BB: I'll agree that they're uglier than hell and the arrangement drags for awhile about halfway through. But the main melody swings, and listen to that guitar tremolo! Also, watch the kiddies! Anyway, I said I didn't wanna hear a peep outta ya!

  2. Are they gonna be playing next year's halftime show?

  3. Reincarnated Soul Train!

    Grats Slobnick

  4. Anon #1: if they were next year's halftime show, they're no worse at lip-syncing, and they have more soul.

    Anon #2: what you talkin about Willis? I wouldn't be surprised if we could find Richie Daley dancing around in that pack. Probably one of Royko's illegitimate children, too.

  5. Kiddie a go go. How did this happen?

    Where did someone get that? wow.

    Still love the song, arrangement and time.

  6. Democurmudgeon: I don't know how someone laid their hands on such a high-quality copy, but here's a reprint from a 1995 fanzine by a guy who tracked down and interviewed Jack Mulqueen:

    I remember the show simply being called "The Mulqueens," but then I used to play with leaded gasoline at the time.
