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Friday, August 29, 2008

Maverick tactics

Brilliant: trying to upstage one of the finest nights in the history of American political theater by doing something astonishingly stupid. Nice job of vetting the running mate, Maverick.

I believe McCain did this in an unscripted petulant frenzy because his advisors bullied him out of listening to StuporMundi.

My friends, I don't think we've heard the last of this daring strategic plan yet.


  1. Another possibility. John McCain is completely sane and cares deeply about the country and the direction it is headed. He's decided he can't change the Republican Party, let alone the country. And so, like an old man who uses his last ounce of life to let the tyrannosaurus eat him so his family can escape, John McCain is using this campaign to destroy the GOP forever, allowing America to escape its hideous fate.

  2. Now you're thinking like a fourth-tier blogger, just like me!
