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Saturday, August 2, 2008

Now Obama has a case of the stupids

First, regarding my previously posted eternal truth, here's this from the AP via HuffingtonPost:

"Democratic candidate Barack Obama said Saturday that Republican rival John McCain's campaign is not racist but is cynical in trying to divert voter attention from the real issues of the presidential campaign.

"Obama met with reporters for the first time since the McCain campaign claimed that the Illinois Democrat had "played the race card" by warning that McCain would try to scare voters about how Obama looks unlike "all those other presidents on the dollar bills" --- all of whom are white men."

Yes, it would be a rookie mistake or Obama to be lured into the McCain/Rove trap of making this election campaign all about race. But it is just plain stupid for Obama to give professional Republican bigots cover in order to deflect false accusations that Obama is "playing the race card." Backing down will not win Obama points with the corporate media, but it will undermine his own appearance of candor toughness.

In other stupidity news from AP via HuffPost, Obama yesterday said "he would be willing to support limited additional offshore oil drilling if that's what it takes to enact a comprehensive policy to foster fuel-efficient autos and develop alternate energy sources." His point was that, in order to avoid Republican gridlock on energy policy, he wants to avoid being "so rigid that we can't get something done."

So here's the scenario as Obama sees it: He is elected President in November 2008 and has a veto-proof majority in the Senate. The Bush Administration also has done him the unsolicited favor of inflating the perceived importance of the Executive Branch to the status of a virtual monarchy. The Republican Party, meanwhile, has been undeniably exposed as a corrupt and incompetent little cabal of excessively wealthy men who do the bidding of transnational oil corporations and Saudi princes at the expense of U.S. citizens. And yet President Obama will work hard with these same toads to reach a compromise on offshore oil drilling despite the preponderance of facts and economic analysis stating that harvesting offshore oil will have no significant impact on global supply or price relief, either now or in the future.

I think someone may have poisoned Obama's morning orange juice with Stupid Pills. Or else he is listening a little too closely to Hillary Clinton's advisors. Watch for the term flipflop to appear soon in the ongoing political narrative about Obama.

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